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The 37-day-old panda cub was weighed and fed by medics before photographer Dr Katherine Feng, 65, snapped the adorable creature lying on its front and offering a high five with its right paw at the China Conservation and Research Center for the Giant Panda at the Wolong Nature Reserve in Sichuan.
In another picture, the black and white bear is seen being carried in its mum's mouth just a few hours after it was born.
Dr Feng, a qualified vet from Colorado, America, told the Daily Mail: 'If a new born cub is ignored or rejected by its mother, it is cared for in the nursery until such time its mother is able to take care of it.
'When the cubs are first born they are about the size of a fat hotdog and weigh somewhere around four ounces.

'They are pink with white stubby hair and are not cute at all - they look very similar to large new born mice or rats and not at all like pandas.'
She added: 'Personally, I think the cubs start looking cute at about four weeks when they are un-mistakenly baby pandas.
'At that age, they are roly-poly balls of black and white. They are able to move a bit more and are cute to watch.
'No other photographer has ever been granted such access at the CCRCGP.
'It was very tempting to pet and play with the baby pandas.
'But since I was granted permission and access as a documentary photographer, it would not have been appropriate for me to handle the cubs.'
Images: Katherine Feng/Minden/Solent
Baby zoo animals around the world
- Javan leopard cubs<p> These babies, named Sri Kandi (left) and Arjuna (right) were born at Tierpark, Berlin, Germany. They made their debut on 5 March 2012.</p>
- Asian Orang utan<p> Clinging to his mum, baby Changi meets his public for the first time at Krefeld Zoo, Germany.</p>
- White rhino<p> This little rhino, named Male, was born in January. He's pictured here with his mother, Mana, at Magdeburg Zoo, Germany.</p>
- Dingo puppies<p> The zoo at Tierpark in Berlin celebrated the birth of a litter of four dingo babies in January.</p>
- Shy baby giraffe<p> Only a few days old, this baby giraffe, named Kimarle, peaks out from her enclosure at the ZOOM Zoo in Gelsenkirchen, western Germany. The 170cm tall giraffe was born on March 9.</p>
- Squirrel monkey and mum<p> A one-month-old baby squirrel monkey clings to its mother's back at Qingdao Forest Wildlife Park, China.</p>
- Gorilla and mum<p> A two-week old baby gorilla is cuddled by her mum, Mumba, a Western Lowland Gorilla, at Port Lympne Wild Animal Park near Ashford, Kent.</p>
- Tiny hedgehog<p> Born at Cincinnati Zoo, US, this one-month old hedgehog is being hand reared by keepers until it is old enough to be included in the zoo's outreach programme.</p>
- Happy elephant<p> Ludwig the baby elephant is clearly happy to be out and about at the Tierpark Hellabrunn Zoo, Munich.</p>
- Cuddling meerkats<p> These cuties were born in February at Bristol Zoo Gardens.</p>
- Polar bear cub<p> This cub was born prematurely at Toronto Zoo. His mum rejected him soon after he was born, so he was cared for by staff at the zoo. Here he is making his debut in February.</p>
- Baby gorilla, Dublin Zoo<p> This six-month old baby Western Lowland Gorilla is seen here enjoying the spring sunshine with her mother at Dublin Zoo.</p>