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Boat passengers in Wales got more than they bargained for when a rare shark breached the water right in front of them.
The thresher shark was caught on camera in the same stretch of water in Ceredigion where a blue shark last week kept holidaymakers out of the water.
Threshers are usually spotted in Asia and North America, but this one threw itself out of the water in front of passengers on the research vessel Sulaire.
Members of the public as well as staff from the Cardigan Bay Marine Wildlife Centre were on board.
Sarah Perry, the centre's science officer, was on board. According to the Daily Mail, she said: "Thresher sharks are normally found in deep waters but can follow their prey closer to the shore so maybe that's what this one was doing.
"Perhaps either it or its prey were attracted by increasing sea temperatures.
"You can recognise thresher sharks by their long tails - which they use to herd their prey into tight groups before feeding on them.
"They're protected as a threatened species - they're far more at risk from us."
Last week, holidaymakers in the same area were told to stay out of the water after RNLI lifeguards spotted a blue shark in the sea.
According to the BBC, red flags were raised on New Quay beach in Ceredigion on and the beach was temporarily closed.
The shark swam between boats moored at the end of the beach.
The RNLI said it would be very rare to see a shark that close to the shoreline in the area.
And, just a month ago, a beach in Devon was evacuated after a member of the public saw a shark fin about 20 to 25 metres out to sea.
Swimmers and surfers were forced to abandon Croyde beach after it was put on red alert when the fin was spotted.
World's deadliest animals
- Venomous snakes<p> Out of the world's 2,000 species of snake, around 250 are thought to be capable of killing a man. The Asian cobra does not have the deadliest venom, but is believed to be responsible for the biggest portion of the thousands of snakebite deaths every year. In Africa, the black mamba is the largest venomous snake and, during an attack, can strike up to 12 times, each time delivering enough neuro and cardio-toxic venom to kill a dozen men within 1 hour.<br /> <strong>Kills:</strong> An estimated 50-125,000 people a year.<br /> <strong>Deadly technique:</strong> A snake will use its fangs to pierce the skin and inject its paralysing venom.<br /> <strong>Lives in:</strong> Africa, Asia, Australia, North America</p>
- Cape Buffalo<p> Many people might not realise that the cape buffalo is one of the most dangerous animals in Africa, and will react with force when it feels threatened. These beasts can weigh up to 1.5 tons and stand at 1.7 metres high; they're so intimidating that even lions don't usually consider them dinner. Cape buffalos will charge, and then gore its victim to death with its impressive horns.<br /> <strong>Kills:</strong> An estimated 200 people a year.<br /> <strong>Deadly technique:</strong> These animals will charge and gore their victims to death with their huge horns.<br /> <strong>Lives in:</strong> Africa</p>
- Saltwater crocodiles<p> Crocodiles have been around for 200 million years, and are fearsome predators. The saltwater crocodile, or saltie, is the largest living reptile in the world, and can grow up to 21ft long and weigh 1.6 tons. These animals can run extremely fast on land, and, in the water, can swim as fast as dolphin. Many fatalities occur when people are washing or gathering food near river banks.<br /> <strong>Kills: </strong>An estimated 600-800 people a year.<br /> <strong>Deadly technique:</strong> Crocodiles will grab their victims with terrifying speed, and often launch into a 'death roll', weakening its prey, dragging it under water and drowning the victim.<br /> <strong>Lives in:</strong> Africa and Australia</p>
- Elephants<p> Weighing in at up to eight tons, although beautiful creatures, elephants can be lethal. African elephants in particular can be aggressive, especially older bulls and young males. These creatures, unsurprisingly, are more aggressive in areas where poaching is rife or when their habitat is threatened.<br /> <strong>Kills:</strong> An estimated 300-500 people a year.<br /> <strong>Deadly technique: </strong>Most human deaths are result of the elephant trampling on its victim.<br /> <strong>Lives in: </strong>Africa and India</p>
- Hippos<p> Although they might look cumbersome and cute, hippos are actually one of the most feared animals in Africa, and can outrun a human. When a male feels its territory is threatened, or a female thinks her offspring her in danger, these animals can be particularly dangerous. And with huge teeth and mouth that can open four feet wide, it's a good idea to steer clear.<br /> <strong>Kills:</strong> An estimated 100-150 people a year.<br /> <strong>Deadly technique:</strong> Hippos will charge, trample and gore its victims, and have been known to upturn boats and canoes without warning.<br /> <strong>Lives in:</strong> Africa</p>
- Big cats<p> African lions are the biggest of the big cats, and are known to kill around 70 people in Tanzania alone every year. With the destruction of their habitat, human attacks by leopards in India, and the North American mountain lion are thought to be on the increase.<br /> <strong>Kills:</strong> An estimated 800 people a year.<br /> <strong>Deadly technique:</strong> African lions will often use strangulation to kill their prey, while tigers will attack from the back and aim for the jugular, and mountain lions will maul their victims.<br /> <strong>Lives in:</strong> Africa, North America, and India</p>
- Mosquitos<p> Apart from humans, the mosquito is the deadliest creature on the planet. It kills millions of people every year through the spread of diseases like malaria, yellow fever, and dengue fever. Many of the malaria victims are children under the age of five.<br /> <strong>Kills: </strong>Two to three million people a year.<br /> <strong>Deadly technique:</strong> Female mosquitos pierce the skin with serrated mouth parts, and inject a saliva with a thinning agent to liquidise the blood.<br /> <strong>Lives in:</strong> Worldwide, more harmful in Africa, Asia and North America</p>
- Bears<p> The are lots of different species of bear, but the polar, black and grizzly are the deadliest. Native to the Arctic, polar bears could decapitate a human being with one swipe of their massive paws. Bears generally attack when they are hungry, so it's a good idea to keep food away from your camp.<br /> <strong>Kills: </strong>An estimated 5 to 10 people a year.<br /> <strong>Deadly technique:</strong> Bear will use their teeth and claws to maul and trample their victims.<br /> <strong>Lives in:</strong> North America, Canada, North Pole, and Russia.</p>
- Scorpions<p> Out of the 1,500 species of scorpion, the African spitting scorpion is thought to be the most deadly, and can spray its venom up to a metre. Arounf 25 species of scorpion are thought to be deadly to humans.<br /> <strong>Kills:</strong> An estimated 800-2,000 people a year.<br /> <strong>Deadly technique:</strong> Scorpions use their tail stingers to paralyse their prey with venom.<br /> <strong>Lives in:</strong> Worldwide; particularly Africa, the Americas and Central Asia.</p>
- Sharks<p> The great white shark, which can grow up to six metres in length and weigh up to five tons, seems to have the most ferocious reputation. But, while they have been known to attack humans, most of these incidents are thought to be 'test bites', where the animal is deciphering whether he wants to eat you. And, generally, they humans are not on the menu. It is thought the aggressive bull shark is responsible for the most attacks on people. Out of the 360 shark species, only four are known killers: the great white, the bull, tiger, and the oceanic white tip.<br /> <strong>Kills:</strong> An estimated 100 people a year.<br /> <strong>Deadly technique:</strong> Sharks use their razor-sharp teeth to rip chunks out of its victims. Great whites usually take a big single bite, drag their victims into deeper waters, and wait until the prey bleeds to death before they eat it.<br /> <strong>Lives in:</strong> Florida, Australia, Hawaii and South Africa.</p>
- Box Jellyfish<p> Box jellyfish can have up to 60 tentacles as long as 15 feet. And each tentacle contains enough venom to kill 50 humans, making it one of the most venomous marine creatures in the world. If stung, a box jellyfish can kill a man within minutes.<br /> <strong>Kills: </strong>An estimated 100 people a year.<br /> <strong>Deadly technique:</strong> Jellyfish use their tentacles to pump venom and paralyse its prey. Deaths in humans are usually a result of cardiac arrest.<br /> <strong>Lives in:</strong> Northern Australia, Papua New Guinea, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam.</p>
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