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And when we say huge crowds, we mean, ooh, just 362 million people or so.
That's the number of Chinese people believed to be on the move during the extended national break this week, according to estimates from the Chinese Tourism Academy.
The decision to waive highway tolls has brought many tourists attractions to a virtual standstill.
These pictures show the Badaling Great Wall, the most visited section, approximately 50 miles northwest of Beijing.
And we thought our bank holiday logjams were bad...
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The world's weirdest tourist attractions
- Catacombs of Paris, France<p> During the 18th century, after a long practice of burying the poor <em>en masse</em> in excavated ground and without coffins, the conditions around <a href="" target="_blank">Paris </a>became unbearably insanitary, and the decision was taken to transfer the remains, bone by bone, to this underground ossuary. It became a gruesome tourist attraction from the early 19th century, and has been open to the public on a regular basis since1867.</p>
- Ice Hotel, Hokkaido, Japan<p> If you like your accommodation chilly and pure white, you could do worse than checking out the 'ice hotel' facility at the Alpha Resort Tomamu, Hokkaido. Dinner - which is frozen - is served on ice plates, and drinks are served in carved out blocks of ice. Cold enough for you?</p>
- Cockroach Hall of Fame, Plano, Texas<p> Inside a DIY pest-conrol shop, proprietor Michael Bohdan passes his time dressing up deceased cockroaches. Among the exhibits you can see representations of Marilyn Monroe and Liberace - and there's this awesome diorama of roaches relaxing at the beach. Too much time on your hands, Michael?</p>
- The Paper House, Rockport, Massachusetts, USA<p> Taking his cue from the three little pigs, perhaps, Mr Elis F Stenman, designer of the machines that make paper clips, decided in 1922 to start building a house entirely from newspaper. To this day, all the furnishings, including a piano and a desk and chair, are also made from newspaper, and there are other intricate and very detailed pieces. </p>
- The Blue Hole of Belize<p> Tourist attractions aren't just manmad - Mother Nature offers lots of weird sites for tourists too, like the Great Blue Hole of Belize in the Barrier Reef Reserve System. It's believed to be the world's largest sea hole, created by a rise in sea levels around 65,000 years ago. With a depth of around 125 meters, it has divers flocking to it from all over the world, especially as it's home to lots of rare animal species and life forms.</p>
- International UFO Museum and Research Center, Roswell, New Mexico, USA<p> Roswell has been attracting curious visitors for decades, and the UFO Museum and Research Center no doubt fuels the imagination of every child who goes there. Probably the most famous exhibit is this model of an alien. The museum, which is free to enter, receives fascinated visitors from all over the world.</p>
- The Real Mary King's Close, Edinburgh, Scotland<p> This underground close beneath the streets of Edinburgh is shrouded in mystery and beset by ghost stories. Murders are rumoured to have been committed down there, and they say victims of the plague may have been walled up and left to die. Chilling stuff!</p>
- Island of the Dolls, Mexico City<p> As tourist attractions go, they don't come much spookier than the Island Of The Dolls, located near Xochimilco, Mexico City. The area itself with its network of canals is rich in superstition, and the spine-chilling display was created by the hermit Don Julián Santana who, despite being married with kids, lived there alone for over 50 years until his death in 2001. The eerie montage of naked, staring dolls is said to be a shrine to a dead girl who haunted him.</p>
- The Museum of Toilets, New Delhi<p> Pathak's worldwide research into the evolution of the human waste receptacle has resulted in a collection that some might call a load of old toilet. But pictures, exhibits – even poetry – relate the history of the toilet and related customs. Check out the chamber pots – veritable Victorian objets d'art – the French toilet disguised as a bookcase and the replica of King Louis XIII's throne, with its concealed commode. Intrigued? <a href="" target="_blank">Check out lots more weird museums here!</a></p>
- Carhenge, Alliance, Nebraska, USA<p> Constructed in the 1980s using 38 vintage American cars sprayed with grey paint, Carhenge is a replication of Stonehenge in England. A visitor centre opened for the public in 2006. Now known as the Car Art Reserve, there are other spray-painted car sculptures to see, too.</p> <p> Want to see more? Check out <strong><a href="" target="_blank">Britain's oddest tourist attractions</a>!</strong></p>